There is growing evidence of labour shortages, wages rising faster than productivity, and of the flow of migrant labour from the rural interior slowing sharply. 劳动力短缺、工资上涨快于生产率增长、以及内陆农村地区农民工外流大幅放缓的迹象越来越多。
The shift has already been manifested in tighter labour markets and higher wages in many sectors. 劳动力市场趋紧和许多行业工资上涨已经体现了这种转变。
By 2006 that proportion had increased to 48%. Foreign students tend to tolerate poorer working conditions, and the supply of cheap, brilliant, foreign labour also keeps wages down. 到2006年,这个比例增加到48,与本土学生相比,国外学生更能忍受艰苦研究工作环境,与此同时,他们的薪酬大大降低。
Even defenders of globalisation now usually acknowledge that the emergence of a global labour force has helped hold down wages in the west. 如今,即便是全球化的支持者通常也会承认,全球性劳动力的出现帮助压制了西方的工资。
It is easier to encourage new workers into the labour market when wages are rising. 当薪资上涨时,就会更容易鼓励新的劳动者进入劳动力市场。
It is tempting to see all these upheavals as linked by a globalisation that boosted the incomes of the wealthy, while creating an international labour market that holds down the wages of the unskilled, at least in the west. 我们很容易将所有这些动荡与全球化联系起来,因为全球化提升了富人的收入,同时创造了一个压低(至少在西方如此)非熟练工人工资的国际劳动力市场。
( 10) Provisions concerning labour management, wages, welfare benefits, labour insurance and related matters; (十)有关劳动管理、工资、福利、劳动保险等事项的规定;
Globalisation contributes to inequality in the west by creating a global labour pool that holds down wages, while boosting corporate profits. 全球化在提振企业利润的同时,也创建了一个全球性的劳动力资源池,使薪资受到限制,从而加剧了西方的不平等。
High wages lead to investment in labour-saving technology; that investment means that each worker will be operating more powerful equipment and producing more; this process in turn raises the productivity of labour and tends to raise wages. 高工资促使人们投资于节约劳动力的技术,这种投资意味着每一个工人都将能够操作性能更强大的设备,使产量提高。这个过程反过来又提高了劳动生产力,往往也能提高工资。
The obvious challenge to the region is labour costs, with wages in Guangdong rising at double-digit rates each year. 珠三角地区显然面临劳动力成本上涨的挑战&广东的工资水平每年以两位数的速度增长。
On top of input inflation, he cites three margin pressures: increased investment in innovation and marketing; more competition for labour, which sends wages higher; and rising media costs. 除了投入成本上升,莫迪还列举出挤压利润率的另外三项因素:创新和营销投资增加;对劳动力的争抢日趋激烈,工资水平也因此升高;媒介成本上升。
There was general dissatisfaction as to the hours of labour required and the wages paid. the factory workers demand better conditions from the owners, and at the same time work hard in the interests of resistance; 工人们对工作时间和工资待遇普遍感到不满。工人要求厂主改良待遇,同时积极作工以利抗日;
They were given food, shelter and clothes in exchange for two years labour without wages. 他们不拿工资干了两年活,所得的报酬就是免费的吃、住、穿。
Larger firms deny there is a labour shortage, but have raised wages and offered perks rarely seen in the past. 较大的企业否认存在用工荒,不过它们提高了薪资水平,并提供以往罕见的福利。
A demographic dividend tends to boost economic growth because a large number of working-age adults increases the labour force, keeps wages relatively low, boosts savings and increases demand for goods and services. 人口红利倾向于刺激经济增长,原因在于大量处于工作年龄的成人增加了劳工数目,并保持薪水相对较低,促进储蓄,增进对货物和服务的需求。
A significant increase in the profit share of national income, as we have seen in China this century, implies a significant decrease in the labour share – meaning that wages fail to keep up with economic growth. 正如我们在本世纪的中国所看到的那样,利润在国民收入中所占的比例大幅上升,表明劳动力收入所占比例大幅下滑,这意味着薪资涨幅未能跟上经济的增长速度。
What exactly is going on in labour markets if minimum wages do not hurt employment but reduce wage gaps? 如果最低工资未对就业产生不利影响反而缩小了薪资差距,那么劳动力市场上究竟发生了什么?
If you reform your labour markets and deflate your wages to become more competitive, inflation falls, and so may house prices. 如果改革劳动力市场、降低薪酬以提高自身竞争力,通胀会有所下降,而房价可能也会下降。
In what were, until recently, often closed labour markets across Asia, foreign labour has become indispensable as local wages have risen and local workers have turned their noses up at jobs deemed too dirty, dangerous, or exhausting. 亚洲的劳动力市场通常比较封闭,最近才开放。在这个市场,随着当地薪资上涨,以及当地员工不愿从事他们认为太肮脏、太危险或太累人的工作,外籍工人已变得不可或缺。
If employers have monopsony power as buyers of labour and are able to set wages, for instance, they can keep pay below its competitive rate. 比如说,如果作为劳动力购买方的雇主拥有买方垄断权力并且能够设定薪资,那么他们就能够将付给工人的报酬维持在低于竞争价格的水平之下。
At the same time, structural changes in the labour market have continued to drive wages higher at an average annual rate of about 20 per cent in the main centres. 与此同时,劳动力市场的结构性变化继续推动主要城市的工资水平以年均20%左右的速度上升。
However, figures on consumer spending and retail sales were mixed, underlining the slow pace at which a tightening labour market is boosting wages and prices. 但消费者支出和零售数据有好有坏,突显出劳动力市场趋紧对工资和价格的推升速度相当缓慢。
Three such developments are cited most frequently: recent labour reforms that have boosted minimum wages, an outbreak of "imported" commodity inflation, and international price equalisation that is presumed to bring the quotes of Chinese products up to world standards. 其中最常提及的3项发展是:最近的劳动工资改革,提高了最低工资标准;“进口”大宗商品通胀的发作;国际价格接轨,这想必会将中国产品的价格提高至全球水准。
Labour earnings and wages continued to adjust downwards, in line with the easing cost trend in the economy. 劳工收入及工资则随着本港经营成本下降而持续向下调整。
Today all elements of labour income jobs, hours and wages are under pressure. 眼下劳动收入的所有要素(工作、工时和薪酬)都面临压力。
Research by the International Labour Organisation suggests that Chinese wages have been outpacing the rest of Asia for at least a decade. 国际劳工组织(ILO)的研究表明,至少十年来,中国工资的上涨速度就一直高于亚洲其他地区。
Labour was scarce; but wages fell nevertheless. 劳动力很缺乏,可是工资依然在下降。
With the rural labour pool shrinking, wages are rising. 随着农村劳动力资源的下降,工资在上升。
Vigorously pushing forward enterprise labour/ wages system reforms and enhancing the organiza-tion work for a special contingent of labour security in coal enterprises. 积极推进企业劳动用工和工资分配制度改革;全面加强煤炭企业劳动保障队伍建设。